Monday 6 June 2011

New Painting...

So Marshy came up this weekend which really nice! I was working but only in the mornings, so it wasn't so bad, and we went to see X-men! they did a really good job of connecting to the old movies while making it a really good stand alone film. Before the movie we stoped at the Paint Spot, I finally found an art supply store. And I got some new art supplies! So excited.

 The next day we went to the record store, but I'm afraid nothing good came out of there, but we went to the comic book store later! I found Maus in the original two part version, and if you haven't read it I recomend it thouroughly! It is brilliant. Its about the authors fathers, journey through nazi occupied Europe and his life now.

So after Marsha left, I decided to do a painting, I started it at about 8 30 and didn't go to bed until 2:30 in the morning. And finally finished off relining it this afternoon.

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