Friday 21 August 2015

Tattooing Update

I have been a wee bit of a busy bee, or possibly slow to update, we will call it a mix of both. But I have been doing some tattoos recently so my apprenticeship moves ever forward. Thanks to some of my lovely friends I have been able to make good progress in the past couple weeks and I am now up to my 10th tattoo, so thank you everyone who has helped me so far! I really appreciate it.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Sea Life

On our way home we decided to head out to the Sea Life Sanctuary after all, it was kind of on our way and so after picking up a couple souvenirs for the Dicksons back home, we headed out. It was a really nice stop in front of Loch Creran and all the different aquariums were really interesting, Dixon and I even got a fright from the eel, even though he was just sitting there. 

So it was a nice way to finish off our trip out to Oban, we used my phone for the satnav on the way back so I didn't get any pictures of us going home bar one. 

Wednesday 19 August 2015

The Folly

And so we decided to drive up to the tower, in retrospect everything in Oban seems further than it is and we probably could have walked but then my foot is still dodgy (more on that another time), I wish I took photos of the tiny roads, but I was in charge of navigation, and that was a full time job! But we made it up to the top of Battery Hill to see McCaig's Tower and the stucture itself was really cool though McCaig did have quite lofty intentions of a museum and gallery to be included, when he died the shell was all that had been built, thus leaving this impressive folly. Thought it was now starting to be the evening, the sun was still shining and lit up the bay beautifully so we could see all the was over the Isle of Mull and beyond.

And so to finish off the night I surprisingly found a vegan resartaunt in the seafood capital that is Oban, and Dixon agreed to go to it with me. So we had amazing Japanese food from Itadakizen, which was delicious!

Tuesday 18 August 2015


So as I was saying last time, we made it to Oban safe and sound Saturday afternoon, we were thinking of heading out to the Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, but as it turned out, it was actually outside Oban and after all of that driving we just decided to stop, park the car and wander along the shore. So we found free parking and made our way to the shore, and Oban did not disappoint. It was every bit as gorgeous as I was led to believe from Dixon and my numerous google searches. And as we were walking we made plans to head up to McCaig's Tower just perched at the top of Battery Hill and then have a wee look to see if we would be able to find somewhere to stay, because as gorgeous as the drive in was some of those roads were tiny. So we thought it would be better if Dixon didn't have to drive 4 more hours that day. So more with McCaig's Tower next time. 
Also as we walked along I saw my first jellyfish, I was pretty excited but luckily for you I am only sharing 4 photos.