Saturday 29 September 2012

Off To The Inlaws

Off to Gail and Gordon's today and I mostly got caught up playing Super Mario Galaxy and totally missed my bus, but every cloud has its silver lining!! The swans were out with their rather large children today! Every other time I'm by here they are either not out or I don't have a camera! I just wish I brought my holga!! That's what I get I suppose for not having it on me!! This bus is going to be ages though. So this is coming from the app, so we will see how this looks once I am done!

Friday 21 September 2012

The Royal Botanical Gardens

Dixon had a couple weeks off this month, I unfortuanetly couldn't get time off or these photos may have been somewhere entirely different. I did have my regular days off which were pretty awesome to spend some time with him. Instead of doing the usual which is nothing, we went to the Royal Botanic Gardens for a change since it was an awesome day!
I really want to go again and get into the greenhouses, I don't care if you need to pay, they look awesome. So you will probably see more of the botanics again!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Cramond Island

Every Year around the second or third weekend of August, this years being the 18th, a concert is organised on the disused bomb shelters of Cramond Island. And though Cramond is an island when the tide goes out, you can walk over. So you get up bright and early and head out to the Firth of the Forth and make the long walk over to the other side up the hill and down again to the bunker, it makes for a pretty different kind of gig. We were very prepared this year and had a BBQ and everything so loads of drink, loads of food and loads of music! Brilliant

Crossing to Cramond
Check us out in the first minute!

Tuesday 4 September 2012


I have realised I am way behind on my blogging, this happened while we were still in Blackpool! I did only get some of these photos back from my holga the other day so that is mostly my excuse, its not a good one but its still an excuse.
After we were all exhausted from a tiring weekend of seeing bands drinking and making fools of ourselves we decided the best move forward would be to go to the rollercoaster park and make even bigger fools of ourselves because as you know nothing cures a hangover like a giant roller coaster!
I have to say the brilliant weather really helped cause it was a really really good time.

Here's Dixon with his BatBananaman he won! Pretty soon after he got bored and gave it away to some kids who were pretty excited to get it!

Everyone decided since it was super warm to go on the Valhalla ride, its tagline, you will get wet, everyone though, 'oh its brilliant outside, we will dry off in no time'. I went on the first go round but decided it really wasn't that great so I watched the bags for the second go round and they all came out looking a bit like this, if you can imagine they were all soaked! Did the sun dry them you may ask? No it conveniently hid behind a cloud once it was needed. So needless to say I was a bit happy I didn't get soaked on the second roud haha!

Best Part of the Day 


One of the most exciting things as well, we met Stza from Leftover Crack and Star Fucking Hipsters, and I was super excited but my friend was giggling like a school girl and bouncing up and down to meet him, so she got a picture with him, and after that I just felt silly asking so I kinda stole her photo, I still kinda wish I would have asked but can't do anything now. On the bright side he was super nice, so if you are planning on trying to meet Stza, try a roller coaster park. Hes super happy there.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Those Are Shite

 The Shite Shirt extravaganza down in Blackpool, it had to be captured on film. Look close and you will see Shite Shorts as well!


If you haven't seen these masterpieces go and check them out.