Wednesday, 13 August 2014


Last weekend (so this was stuck as a draft for the past two weeks, I though I posted it so hopefully it all makes sense still. So rather than last weekend thing around July 22?) was a rather productive weekend, drawing wise and house wise. We had loft insulation put in last week and so we had everything that was in our attic down in the spare room and living room. So first things first, we went through all of the boxes, its amazing how much stuff accumulates up there in a year! I was amazing how much stuff we were able to get through. Then Gordon and I took the extra things away to the dump/recycling center, and Dixon got ready for his weekly skate.

So after putting the remaining boxes into the spare room temporarily, I got down to the important bits, drawing. Which I was extremely productive for the day, even though I managed to watch 2 movies and facetime with my sister for at least an hour, not to mention copious texting with progress pictures along the way, with Camille and Caryn.

I am doing a wee series of paintings, of which I have two painted and one drawn, and I am really liking them so far. I am using India Ink which I haven't used before and I am painting all of my lines, which I have tried before, but it wasn't as successful, it was a bit messy. But I am really liking the ink, it behaves a lot like the watercolours I am used to but it is a lot of fun. Each of the paintings will be places I feel are a bit like my home, so one is Canada, one is Scotland and the last is the Netherlands, so one for where I am from, one for where I am and one for where I have never been. (The scanner cropped the edges a little bit, there is a nice white border around each)

Also a wee bit about the house, we picked a wallpaper we can agree on for the spare room, which is exciting! So I really want to make a start on the spare room and get the finished.

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