Thursday, 2 July 2015

Wee Goldfish for Stephen

Gah, I'm behind again I have a bunch of news, but I am going to try to keep this orderly and not make a massive post, so hopefully expect a few posts in the coming week.

 So first things first, I did my second tattoo! Stephen kindly volunteered for it which was quite nerve racking as he has some amazing tattoos, but it was a lot of fun, I especially enjoyed doing the colouring as I didn't do that on the one I did on myself. I am really proud of how it turned out all together though. Hopefully more to come soon!

I am hopefully going to keep adding to this stencil wall and fill it up!
So second one so far, just need to find my rose stencil and pop it up there,
All drawn in the one day as well, were trying to work out something Japanese for Stephen to go with his theme.

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