Thursday, 11 June 2015

Oh Totoro

A couple weeks ago, I got my elbow tattooed, it has been niggling at me for a while and it is finally filled and with a character I have been hoping to get for a while too! So I knew I wanted a Totoro and I knew I wanted an elbow tattoo, boom, match made in heaven! So Kris at Plus 48 Tattoo (my boss at my work) graciously and wonderfully did that for me. The elbow wasn't as bad as I bigged it up in my head, but for not having been tattooed in two years I think I did rather well. Its nearly healed now so maybe some healed pics in the next post ( I know planning a next post, if I am to be believed). 

I have been doing a bunch of drawing too, so that will be in the next post! 
I promise!

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