Saturday, 1 February 2014

Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre

Hayley and I were lucky enough to go to the Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre in Glasgow this week, I say lucky because it seemed like the world was dead against us going. Firstly they only show the full show twice a week and it was on the days that I was working, but I was able to get it off fairly easily, so conquering that obstacle was easily done. Next, unfortunately, Hayley wasn't well, but still really wanted to go so we pushed the time we were going to meet ahead, and then ahead again so we would make the show one time, but not really do anything else. When we finally met at the bus stop, the bus, 900 to Glasgow was just leaving the stop as we were walking up, but we had a bit of spare time so we weren't to worried, only to see the next 900 fly by us without its lights on the front and just flicking on at the back. So now it was cutting it tight, but if the next bus was on time we would make it just in the nick of time. It wasn't. We made it to Glasgow with about 10 minutes to spare and I thought the building was a bit further than it was, and we walked right by. We did however find the Trongate 103, at exactly seven, we know, because the bells were chiming. But when we got to the door the sign said "Please come back at another time, a show is in progress", if Hayley hadn't spotted the bell and had the balls to ring it, I probably would have walked away, but she did and she rang it! And we were let in. And let me tell you it was all worth it. I haven't ever seen anything like it and was continually surprised and delighted. 

I took a few photos, but they do not compare with the professional ones you can find on their Flickr. And the video below is taken from their website here and here, where there are loads more and you can watch them there too.


And so far I think it was one of the best exhibits I have ever been to. And hopefully will get to go to again. On our way there we saw two amazing bits of graffiti, unfortunately my photo of one didn't come out very well but this one was brilliant. So hopefully a few more adventures in Glasgow. 

One last wee exhibition I popped into on my lunch, as I am apt to do lately, was the Wha's Like Us at the National Library, which has a books and poetry by Scotland's finest and for one week only they were showing a rare first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with annotations from J K Rowling, so of course I had to pop over. Not to mention a book sculpture by the mysterious benefactor that I haven't seen before. They are always cool to find.

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